Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure that your shopping experience with us is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
As an affiliate-driven site partnering with AliExpress, we understand that sometimes returns and refunds may be necessary. We strive to provide clear guidelines for handling such situations based on the policies set forth by AliExpress sellers.
Please note that our return and refund policy is subject to the terms and conditions outlined by AliExpress sellers for the products listed on our site. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
AliExpress Seller Policies: The return and refund process for each product is determined by the policies of the AliExpress seller from whom you made your purchase. We encourage you to review the seller’s return and refund policy before placing your order.
Product-Specific Policies: Different products may have varying return and refund policies based on factors such as product type, condition, and reason for return. The specific details of the return and refund process will be outlined in the product listing on our site.
Cases Handled According to AliExpress Listing: Any return or refund requests will be handled in accordance with the policies specified in the AliExpress listing from which you made your purchase. We are committed to facilitating the resolution process and ensuring that you receive the assistance you need.
Customer Support Assistance: If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding returns or refunds, our customer support team is here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we’ll do our best to assist you through the process.
Please remember that timely communication and adherence to the return and refund policies outlined by AliExpress sellers are essential for a smooth resolution. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Thank you for choosing Accessory Arcades for your affiliate-driven shopping needs. If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to ensure that your experience with us is nothing short of exceptional.